September 2014 Meeting Minutes

Eagleridge PTO General Meeting

September 9, 2014

In attendance: Jamie Albrecht, Katie Jodoin, Melissa Tieri, Karen Figgess, Ryan Jackson, Belsa Martinez, Colleen Bell, Ashley Meyer, Kathy Miller, Katie Zabel, Desiree Castle, John Castle, Patty Cornelsen, Sharon Morey, Jeremy Nolan, Tami ONeill, Leah Rochon

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm

What is the PTO?

We’re a not-for-profit organization.  We work with parents and teachers to provide assemblies, transportation for field trips, movie nights, etc.

The PTO was thanked in advance by the fourth grade students for their trip to the zoo this spring.

Comfort kits –

Karen will be delivering comfort kits to the classrooms; any volunteers that can help will be appreciated.  Comfort kits are kept in the classrooms in case of emergency.

Fundraisers –

The walk-a-jog-a-thon is our only fundraiser and is on October 3rd.  It’s a super fun event, come and run/walk with or cheer on your student.  This is an all day event and it takes a lot of volunteers.  The kickoff assembly is Wednesday, September, 17th at 2:15.  Our theme this year is Run Around the World.

New Business:

The website –

Belsa has revamped the previously neglected PTO website.  The web address is  Forms and contact information are available.  There is also information about Scrip, Box Tops, and Haggen School Bucks.  It was suggested that the address be put on the reader board.

The parking lot –

Parking lot issues continue this year.  Katrina has been volunteering in the mornings – putting out signs and directing drivers – but the problems continue.

Suggestions were:

  • Having a police officer out in the morning directing drivers for a few days,
  • Painting arrows on the road,
  • Having a curb put in

The school district needs to be made aware again of this area of concern.

Principal’s Comments –

Staffing –

Polly Rae retired and Julie Adams is now teaching in Lynden, where she lives.  Michelle Lewis is teaching 5th grade and Mrs. Mazur came from Bellingham to teach 2nd grade.  Ann Spitze is here all day now instead of splitting time with Horizon.  There were so many kindergarten families that registered a week before school started that a 4th teacher was hired this last Friday.  There are right around 500 students this year.

This is the best turnout for a PTO meeting!  Keep coming and invite everyone.

Parent volunteers are welcome and needed.  Mischa will send out an email to teachers about having sign-ups for parent volunteers – the PTO is not responsible for classroom volunteer sign-ups.

The open house is Tuesday, September, 16th at 6:30.

Meeting called at 7:53 pm.

Meeting minutes submitted by Colleen Bell

October 2013 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO General Meeting

October 8, 2013

In attendance: Jamie Albrecht, Ryan Jackson, Colleen Bell, Jenica D’Arienzo, Lynn Bennett, Wendy Sharpe, Belsa Martinez, Katrina Schmitt, Katie Jodoin, Lisa Guerra, Cheryle Figgess, Leticia Peterson, Karen Jensen, Mischa Burnett

President’s Report:

  • New board members voted in as follows – Katrina Schmitt, Co-Hospitality; Wendy Sharpe, Co-Hospitality; and Belsa Martinez, Co-Secretary. Approved by all in attendance.
  • By laws presented at September 10th meeting listed old check signing policy. Check signing policy has been resolved, by laws updated and new by laws were present at meeting.
  • Conflict of Interest forms reviewed and provided for board member signatures.
  • Jog-A-Thon went really well.

o    Money count total for first day was approximately $4,300.

o   Help is needed for the awards assembly on November 7th.

o    Cheryle Figgess and Ryan Jackson will find a frog for Mr. Burnett to kiss. J

Treasurer’s Report:

  • We have scripts cards available for Haggen and Fred Meyer.

o   Cards are available in denominations of $50 and $100.

o   School gets 10% of Haggen card and 5% of Fred Meyer card.

o   Information will be available soon on how to get these cards.

  • Book Fair will be in November.  This event will be bigger than the March fair.

o   Student Council is planning a “Breakfast with Books.”

o   Lots of help will be needed.

  • Haggen School Bucks is back.

o   Jamie needs to follow up with Haggen to see if we are set up for this.

Upcoming Events:

  • Box Top contest will start the week of October 14th.

o   We will need someone to take over Box Tops in the Spring.

o   You can sign up for Box Tops online to get additional points for our school.

  • First movie night is scheduled for October 18th.

o   Movie shown is The Croods

o   Help is still needed

o   Concessions will be sold (popcorn, candy, water)

o   Mr. Woods will be supervising

o   Bring your own chairs, pillows, etc.


  • Jenica D’Arienzo will take over the Lost and Found.

o   She has created a Facebook page and will update it with pictures of the items that are currently missing owners.

o   Ideas needed for what to do with the excessive amount of items in lost and found.

  • Reminder to Hospitality that Feed the Teachers night is around the corner, a theme needs  to be picked.
  • Bring water bottles for your children on PTO meeting nights.  The water in the cafeteria is not available.

Principal’s Report/Comments:

  • Thank you to the PTO for the welcome and support as well as to the staff and families.
  • With the new school year come lots of changes and new faces.  15 new staff along with 180 new kids.
  • Challenge presented, how do you make this school go from a mix of all schools to this is Eagleridge, our school?  With welcoming staff, students and families it is all coming together.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00pm

Minutes prepared by Belsa Martinez, Co-Secretary

November 2013 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO General Meeting

November 12, 2013

In attendance: John  Castle, Desiree Castle, Mr. Burnett, Mrs. Cornelson (FEA rep, teacher, student council rep, 5th grade rep ), Belsa Martinez, Lisa Guerra, Jamie Albrecht, Karen Jensen, Leticia Peterson, Katrina Schmitt

Meeting called to order at 7pm by Jamie Albrecht

Previous month’s meeting minutes read by Belsa Martinez

Motion to approve meeting minutes as read made by Mrs. Cornelson and 2nd by Jamie Albrecht.  Motion approved by all present.

President’s Report-

  • Recap WAJAT – Kids rocked it!!!! The kids surpassed the goal and there is still money coming in.  Awards assembly went over really well.  Mr. B. kissing a frog was awesome!!!!! Kids loved it. There were a few minor problems with some prizes that have been resolved.
  • Budget – Mr. Burnett, Karen Jensen, and Jamie Albrecht went over the budget line by line prior to the meeting to ensure that no area was overlooked and that adequate funds were budgeted for all areas listed in the Treasurer’s Report based on funds available, including funds raised during the Walk a Jog a Thon.

o   Jamie presented the proposed budget, line by line. During discussion it was decided that the budget line for Alpha Smart would be removed as it was no longer used or necessary. There was no money allocated to this fund.

o   A few specific notes regarding the budget: there are line items for Kindergarten BBQ at the end of the year, the 5th grade trip to the water slides at the end of the year as well as the Community meal that the teachers host. The Math Olympiad fund includes a stipend for two teachers and there is a line as well for OT supplies as requested by Katie Wood.  The line for the Rewards Store is, at this time specifically for a reward system that has been set up for the students who ride bus 35 who have been identified as making positive choices.  Line for sound system maintenance is for two speakers and a plug in that are transportable and not wired. Planners have been included in the budget for the 4th/5th graders. As we get further along in the year the discussion will be open to adding the 3rd graders.

o   Katrina Schmitt made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Motion 2nd by Karen Jensen. Motion approved by all present.

Mrs. Patti Cornelson (as Student Council Advisor) presented the student council budget proposal. Total budget requested is $600. Proposal approved. Money requested was either already listed as a specific line item in the budget as Student Council or will come from the Library Program fund already listed in the budget.

Mrs. Patti Cornelson (as FEA rep) presented a donation in the amount of $100.  Woohoo!

Upcoming events:

  • Book fair will be November 21st -26th – volunteers are still needed. Set up will occur on November 20th.  Tear down will need to occur when the book fair is over, Jamie does not want to force pack up before Thanksgiving but it may need to be done.
  • Teacher dinner is Wednesday, November 21st. Teachers will be provided with soup, salad, bread, etc…
  • Class movie parties are the last week of December before winter break Thursday or Friday. Kindergarteners will be on their own, First and Second together, Third and Fourth together and Fifth on their own.


  • In January Katrina will shoot out an email asking who is on board to bring snacks to the PTO meetings.
  • Michael’s, before Memorial Day, has 70% off coupon that we should use to frame our class pictures.
  • Money minder, the program the Treasurer uses has a meeting minute section and agenda section that we can all log onto. We should consider using it.

Principal’s Report

  • Thank you to everyone for your help with the jog a thon. Major kudos to Jamie for all of her hard work!!!!!!
  • We continue to focus on building community- amongst the staff as well. There have been and will continue to be changes. Movie nights, dinner for the teachers, all this builds community, it will come with time.  Building community is a common theme with all principals, we are in it together.
  • Veteran’s day was a hit.  Mr. Moser was a huge success. If you want to buy his book, talk to Mr. Burnett.
  • Recently Mr. Burnett read a book about a school that had high parent involvement – he was asked how that happened.  He said they did not ask for volunteers they told the parents it was expected of them to volunteer x number of hours in the school each year.  Is this something that our PTO would look into? Many hands make light work.  He does not want to see a few people consistently doing all work and getting burnt out by the end of the year.

o   Jamie recommended sending out the Power Pledge again, perhaps at the beginning of the year.

o   Lisa suggested sending out the letter Jamie had sent out previously as well about the effects on students whose parents volunteer.

o   Mr. Burnett and Jamie will go over the Power Pledge and update it so that it is signed by both of them. It will be available after Winter break.

Jamie mentioned that even the Eagleridge kids are feeling misplaced because they have had three principals in the last three years and there have been so many teacher changes as well.  We are all working hard at building community including current families.

We love you all!!!!!

Meeting adjourned at 8:08

Meeting notes prepared by Belsa Martinez

Meeting notes amended on 02/11/14 to correctly show that Karen Jensen was involved with the review of the budget and not Cheryl Figgess as originally documented.

February 2014 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO Gneral Meeting

February 11, 2014

In attendance: Wendy Sharpe, Colleen Bell, Ryan Jackson, Lisa Guerra, Cheryle Figgess, Karen Jensen, Katie Jodoin, Mr. Burnett, Katrina Schmitt, Jamie Albrecht, Belsa Martinez

Meeting called to order at 7pm by Jamie Albrecht

Previous meeting minutes read by Belsa Martinez

Jamie requested correction made in meeting minutes. Necessary change noted and notes will be amended.

Motion to approve meeting minutes with one change made by Karen Jensen, 2nd by Cheryle Figgess.  Minutes approved by all present.

President’s Report:

Movie party:

  • Movie reward from Walk-a-jog-athon has been moved to Feb 14th. Movie will be Monsters U. There will be two showings, one in the morning for 1st and 2nd graders and one in the afternoon for 3rd – 5th graders.
  • Kindergarteners will do their own thing.
  • No popcorn will be served as no food can be provided to the students on Valentine’s day.
  • To avoid any potential future issues regarding allergies or providing food to students at PTO events the PTO will have parents sign a waiver before the next event and will also look into putting a general waiver in the new family packets that go out at the start of each year.

Parking issues:

  • Currently people are not using the drop off lane correctly. Concern is that a car/guardian/child will be hit.
  • Can we get signs put up directing people? Who would pay for it? The district? Jamie will follow up with Dee Schulz and Mr. Burnett.
  • Katrina is volunteering to stand in the parking lot and direct traffic.
  • Additional ideas: more blubs in the newsletter, all call system, instructional video on Eagleridge Facebook page, include pictures in the newsletter, make announcement at school dance

Treasurers report:

Karen Jensen presented report current as of 1/31/14.

  • Money is starting to get spent for dance.
  • Jog-a-thon matching checks have been coming in.
  • Question raised regarding $2159.79 expense listed under PTO/Miscellaneous
  • Jamie investigated and discovered error before meeting ended. Expense should have been listed under Start Up Funds/Agendas

Old business:

  • Jamie will be cleaning out the PTO closet. Yay!!!!!

Upcoming events:

  • Box top collection is currently going on until Feb 27th
  • Eagleridge will host Math Olympiad – it ends on Feb 20th
  • Talent show will have a day and night performance. Jamie O’Breen needs volunteers for both performances and will contact Cheryle for assistance arranging volunteers.
  • Dance: March 7t Do we want a face painter.  Jamie has been in contact with someone who has offered to work the night of the dance…. $100 for night plus $3 per kid. She will come in with table and team. Ryan knows someone as well and will talk to him about prices.  People are needed to head up committees. Two shifts will be available so that no one person will work the entire event and will have a chance to enjoy the dance. DJ will be Whatcom Sound. Paperwork handed out for parents in attendance to sign up for committees.
  • Classified week is in March – this is for anyone who is not a certified teacher – we will need to do something for them … possibly lunch or dessert bar… hospitality will work on this. Need to find a date. Breakfast has been provided in the past but it gets set up early and many classified staff do not arrive until later in the morning. By the time they get there most of the food is gone and they are not able to enjoy it.
  • Book fair will be…. April 14th-18th…. This is a date change. This event will be a BOGO event.

New business –

5th grade waterslides:

  • Would like to schedule waterslides fieldtrip on May 30th because this is a half day. There was a movie night originally scheduled for this night. Consider moving movie night to June 6th to accommodate water slides.
  • Motion made by Jamie Albrecht, 2nd by Lisa Guerra and approved by all to accept these dates.
  • Suggestion made to open it up to other schools. Concern that this can open up a bag of worms because of district policy stating that we are not allowed to do this during school hours.

Power pledge:

  • Power pledge went out and responses are coming back.

Principal Comments:

Eagleridge family has connections to Common Threads in Bellingham. They have contacted him regarding our interest in creating a school garden. Is this a project we would like to look into? Level of commitment from teachers and kids would have to be out there. Maintenance and grounds would need to be involved to the extent that they need to know what we are doing. PTO involvement as far as getting volunteers to prepare the ground. Common Threads prefers to have parent volunteers to come in during off time to pull weeds and occasionally vegetables. Feedback from parents present is that this is something that we would consider.  Mr. Burnett will contact Common Threads and let them know that we would like to go ahead and get more information.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Meeting minutes prepared by Belsa Martinez

March 2014 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO Gneral Meeting

March 11, 2014

In attendance: Lisa Guerra, Wendy Sharpe, Cheryle Figgess, Mr. Burnett, Patti Cornelson (representing yearbook and Student Council), Karen Jenson, Katrina Schmitt, Desiree Castle, Belsa Martinez, Colleen Bell, Jamie Albrecht

Meeting called to order at 7pm by Jamie Albrecht.

Previous meeting minutes read by Belsa Martinez.

Colleen Bell motioned to approve meeting notes as written, 2nd by Patti Cornelson. Approved by all in attendance. Meeting minutes approved as written.

President’s Report:

  • Jamie’s theme of the day is go the extra mile, you will be rewarded ten fold. Settle for nothing short of excellence. Go above and beyond. People are taking too many short cuts and not striving for excellence.
  • District PTO meeting is March 24th at Cascadia. Jamie is looking for people to join her.
  • Dance is done, thank God! It was very successful. Comments heard during basket walk through was that our baskets were amazing. This was from parents at our school as well as other schools.
  • We still have the Disney park hopper tickets – 4 count. Considering possible online auction. Need to be used by 1-13-16. Cannot be used 12/5/-12/31. This information should be put in the newsletter next week.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Karen presented budget, current up to 2/28/14
  • Dance income: $3429.54, expenses: $795.93
  • Interest earned to date: $16.10
  • Script money to date: $1,700

Old business:


New Business:

  • Jamie is looking for someone to takeover Mariner’s night, ie. Contacting Mariner’s, flyers out, money in and follow up to get tickets here on time so that they are not left at will call.
  • Classfied week desert bar- Colleen has people bringing stuff in around 10:30. Colleen will go to Starbucks to get coffee as well. Colleen has already taken care of plates, napkins, etc.
  • Book fair – Cheryle will chair up book fair. Jamie has put Amy Lathrop on as co-chair and she will help with everything except ringing sales. Hours will be 8:30-9:15 and 11 -1:30 and 3:15-4:00 and then till 5 on the last Friday. Book fair dates on district website need to be updated. Neil needs to change info on district website. Mr. Burnett will ask him to do this.
  • Jamie would like to do something special at the end of the year for Jane Shaw for all of her help this year.
  • Jamie wants to give out thumb drives to a few people to start collecting pictures of the 5th graders from different schools.
  • Graduation will be moved to June 18th in the morning.
  • Water slides.  Jamie has invited all the other schools and they are not interested.


  • Jamie went to a holiday task force meeting. Team will meet 2nd Thursday of each month. The plan to be done by May. They will take all things into consideration, state legislation as well as needs and wants of community.

Mrs. Cornelson:

  • $1647.00 was brought in with Pennies for Pasta.
  • Food drive is scheduled for March.
  • No activities will be scheduled in April.
  • In May (after May 10th) they will do a school beautification project.  They would like large PTO involvement. This will be on a weekend. Wendy Sharpe mentioned that her church does community service and may be interested in helping with this project. Student council wants to be part of the planning process for the beautification project.
  • They also need to schedule car wash to pay for 5th grade field trip. PO is done for Alexander.

Mr. Burnett:

  • Signs for parking lot have been ordered.
  • Fencing guy came out based on Mike Murphy’s recommendation to see if fence could be extended on playground. Original concern was brought up by duties at the beginning of the year. The fence would have a gate so that older classes will have access to the area.
  • Staff decided that they wanted to give out monthly Orca awards during the Monday morning announcements. 3-5 students per class will be selected. Each teacher will decide who to recognize and what the recognition will be based on. First awards will be given out at the last Monday morning announcement in March.

Wendy moved to adjourn meeting at 8:06. Colleen 2nd , approved by all in attendance.

Meeting adjourned at 8:06.

Meeting notes prepared by Belsa Martinez on March 26, 2014.

April 2014 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO General Meeting

April 8, 2014

In attendance: Katrina Schmitt, Karen Jensen, Cheryle Figgess, Polly Rae, Katie Jodoin, Leah Rochon, Jamie Albrecht, Misha Burnett, Wendy Sharpe, Lisa Guerra.

Meeting called to order at 7 pm by Jamie Albrecht.

Roll Call

Previous meeting notes read by Jamie Albrecht.

Katrina Schmitt motioned to approve meeting notes as written, 2nd by Cheryle Figgess, and approved by all in attendance.  Meeting minutes approved as written.

President’s Report:

  • Custer is joining us at Waterslides
  • Board Nominations in May
  • Vote in Board in June
  • Jane Shaw needs a show of appreciation for all of her hard work this year
  • Polly Rae will be retiring this year

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Cheryl presented budget, current up to 03/31/14
  • Dance expense up to $853.06
  • Scrip increased to $1,900.00
  • Still on budget

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Family Show-Jamie brought up possibly purchasing new Microphone for sound system.
  • Book Fair-Lisa said we still need more volunteers, talked about ways to get more volunteers. This book fair is a BOGO, our first, remind students it is the highest priced item and the equal or lesser valued 2nd item is what is free. Computer will do all the calculations so volunteer running cash register won’t need to worry about that end.  Receipt with every purchase. No bags, this will allow more visibility, put receipt inside book, door check at exit, students must show they have money to get in to the book fair, and no backpacks.  School gets few if any $ from this book fair.  Please make the Teacher Wish List more visible. Idea presented of students being able to earn a book if they work the fair? Possible phone reminder about the book fair Mr. Burnett will work on that.
  • Teacher appreciation lunch in May – Soup and Salads were decided on. PTO will host on Wednesday May 7th.
  • Lunch card issue brought up by Wendy Sharpe, can we be more secure she is having issues.  Mr. Burnett said district will be rolling out alternative system with PIN #’s to eliminate this issue.
  • Teacher Gifting ideas-Katrina will submit 3 top gift ideas for teachers next meeting
  • Mariners Day- we reserved 100 seats, 33 have been sold. It is fine that we haven’t sold all 100. Due date to submit is check is April 12th and Katrina is taking care of it.
  • Scholarship change – Jamie suggested moving Eagleridge Scholarship to Dollars for Scholars organization, the money will go only to and Eagleridge Student, this is a must, and we will no longer be involved in the selection process. After much discussion about the organization and the assurances that our funds will only go to our former students. It was agreed that this was a good idea.  It will enable the PTO to support our students and add an extra layer of comfort for the students and families that the selection was done in complete anonymity. Vote will be at the end of the year.

Mrs. Rae:

  • Geography Bee is low on SWAG and she needs $75.00 to buy some T-shirts and other items, she believes that this will last the next several years.  As she is retiring, and the Bee wont be meeting again until January she thought she should take care of it now.  Jamie motioned to approve the funds, Katrina 2nd, and approved by all in attendance.

Katrina Schmit:

  • Drop Off and parking lot still an issue, it was suggested a person would be needed to help direct traffic.

Mr. Burnett:

  • May 17th is the date for the School Beautification Project.  He has begun to coordinate with Cornwall Church to zero in on projects and also coordinating with maintenance and grounds.
  • On his project list is the portables skirting, bark dust and weeding, and the fencing in the back that leads to the woods.  There have been some issues at the beginning of the year with kids on recess going into the woods, and he has been in contact with a contractor to fence and gate the area. Quote is for $3200, and can reduce by $500 if he clears the briars.  Wendy suggested use of her husband and tractor. There is an issue of the briars being cleared and then the fence isn’t approved.  He doesn’t want the area to be a clear open path, at this time the briars do help keep the kids out. Discussed how big of an issue with the kids in the woods, and again it is under control for now, but it is something that he would like to do for added security and protection.  Shelved it for now.
  • Parking arrows painted might be a good summer project.
  • Garden Boxes he is waiting for a call back from Leaning Garden on the cost of their program, would like them involved, but we can do this project alone as well.  He has been given the green light by Buildings and Grounds. Asked if the cafeteria will be able to use any of the produce, and unfortunately not.  This project could be woven into Beautification Day.

Wendy moved to adjourn meeting at 8:32. Jamie 2nd, approved by all in attendance.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32.

Meeting notes prepared by Katie Jodoin on April 12, 2014.




May 2014 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO General Meeting

May 13, 2014

In attendance: Jamie Albrecht, Karen Jensen, Lisa Guerra, Katie Jodoin, Katrina Schmitt, Wendy Sharp, Karen Nipgess, Mr. Burnett, Mrs. Cornelson, Cheryle Figgess, Belsa Martinez.

Meeting called to order at 7 pm by Jamie Albrecht.

Roll Call

Previous month’s meeting notes read by Katie Jodoin. Change noted: Treasurer’s name needs to be changed from Cheryle to Karen. Motion to approve meeting notes with one change made by Lisa Guerra. 2nd by Mrs. Cornelson. Approved by all in attendance.

Presidents Report-

  • Next District PTO meeting is set for Monday, May 19th at Eagleridge. Primary meeting topic will be comfort kits. Remaining time will be given to Linda Quinn.
  • Please review Bylaws before June meeting. Suggestions for modifications will be made at that time.

Upcoming Events:

  • Beautification day: As per Mrs. Cornelson, this day is set for Saturday, May 17th from 9-3. Cornwall has 90 people scheduled to show up. They will provide 100 yards of beauty bark and some gravel. They are planning to repaint four square and map, pull out dead plants, and trim. They have a team of pressure washers and an artist who will paint an orca wherever we want it. They are providing new nets for basketball hoops. They will trim bushes around ER sign out in the front. Carma has groups set up and will assign people as they sign in. Mrs. Cornelson is requesting lunch served at 12:30. PTO will provide lunch. Jamie and Mr. Wood will BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers. Mr. Wood will assist with grilling. Bring wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, brooms and gloves. They are bringing a mini excavator. They are repainting the soccer goals. Student council kids will be there. Record Journal has been contacted and will be here.
  • Community meal: set for May 22nd. Meal hosted by the teachers.  Started as a bridge between Lummi nation and the school. Salads donated by Olive Garden, discounted bread from Franz, meatballs from Cash and Carry, casino provides cake and PTO will provide some funding. Some business, such as WECU and Haggen are donating funds. Meal will take place between 5:30-8:00.
  • Water slides: Scheduled for May 30th. Jamie and Rhonda will reword permission slip before it goes out to ensure we have contact phone number for person picking up students. There will be chaperones. No busses will be used for transportation. Pizza will be provided. Whether or not we do this next year will be determined after this year.
  • Movie night: Scheduled for June 6th. Motion made for movie choice, The Nut Job. Motion approved by all in attendance.
  • 5th grade Car wash: scheduled for May 31st from 9-3. Students are scheduled to work two hour shifts.

Treasurers report:

  • Donations are up, above budget.
  • Mariners night yielded a $131 profit.
  • Wellness funds: Mrs. O’breen used money in this account to pay for ski to sea entry fees. Money was reimbursed to the account after students paid entry fees but two kids will need scholarhips.
  • Mrs. Cornelson states that yearbook production hit a snag and Donette will no longer provide the school with free yearbooks. She may need additional PTO funds to cover the costs of yearbooks.

New Business:

  • New board member nominations are as follows:

o   President – Jamie Albrecht

o   Co President-

o   Vice President – Belsa Martinez

o   Treasurer- Cheryle Figgess

o   Co Treasurer –

o   Volunteer Coordinatior- Lisa Guerra

o   Co Volunteer  Coordinator

o   Secretary – Katie Jodoin

o   Hospitality – Colleen Bell

o   Co Hospitality – Wendy Sharpe

o   Co Hospitality – Karen Nipgess

o   Box top and labels for education – Jenica or Karen or have student council take over

  • Karen Nipgess asked where Lost and found goes? She was directed to Rhonda.  Requested a week long baby drive for items to donate to The Other Bank in the Ferndale Resource Center.
  • Katie Jodoin would like to start a family library for educational items for parents to check out and utilize such as Hooked on Phonics. It would be something that ER families could donate to and then other families could access. Katie is willing to house it at her home and perhaps we could put info about it on our website. Mr. Burnett indicated that if we do set it up perhaps we could find some room in the school for the items, perhaps in the library.  Mrs. Cornelson will talk to Cheryl about it and will try and have something started in the Fall.

Principal comments:

MSP is going on right now with 3rd -5th and should wrap up in the Fall and then this will be GONE. This will become Smarter Balance. Go to to take a little sample test based on grade level and topic. The test is more rigorous. The formatting is different from anything before. The more opportunites kids have to access this type of testing the better they will do.

There is a Common Core app that shows objectives by grade. It utilizes ‘I can’ statements.  It will tell you what your kid needs to know by the end of the grade.

Ipad mini’s are coming into the classroom. They have a few apps but more will be added. There are 4 in each class of K-3. The District is using us as test school.

Meeting adjurned at 8:10 by Jamie.

Meeting minutes prepared by Belsa Martinez






June 2014 Minutes

Eagleridge PTO Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2014

In attendance: Jamie Albrecht, Katrina Schmitt, Karen Nipgess, Wendy Sharpe, Mrs. Patty Cornelson, Cheryle Figgess, Belsa Martinez, Katie Jodoin, Mr. Burnett, Lisa Guerra.

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm by Jamie Albrecht.

Roll Call

Previous month’s meeting notes read by Belsa Martinez. Motion to approve minutes as written made by Wendy Sharpe, 2nd motion by Lisa Guerra. Meeting meetings approved by all in attendance.

President’s Report:

  • Thank you to the teachers for the car wash that provided special busses for the 5th grade field trip.
  • Water slides recap:

Went well for the most part. Permission slip was well written and expectation was clear. One kid did show up without permission slip. Parent was called and their attendance was cleared.  Jamie still doesn’t understand why the School District still allows roller skating field trips and not water slides as it is just as dangerous. Unless we have massive volunteer base come up from 4th grade we will not have enough people to do this again next year. Volunteer to student ratio was about 10/1. No volunteer can go who is not background checked. As per Mrs. Cornelson the teachers would rather not do it, the big trip for kids should be the Seattle trip. They are O.K. with not doing it again.

  • All PTO board members must be finger printed and background checked.
  • Bylaws presented. Motion to approve as presented made by Katrina Schmitt. 2nd by Katie Jodoin.  Bylaws approved as presented by all in attendance.
  • Board members:

o   Jamie made a motion to nominate Katrina to both Co-Volunteer and Co-Hospitality.  She also motioned for Katie Jodoin to be primary Secretary and Colleen Bell Co-Secretary. Motions approved.

o   Board nominations are as follows:

  • Co-Hospitality:  Katrina Schmitt, Wendy Sharpe, and Karen Nipgess
  • Co-Volunteer Coordinators: Lisa Guerra and Katrina Schmitt
  • Co-Secretaries: Katie Jodoin and Colleen Bell
  • Treasurer: Cheryle Figgess
  • Vice President: Belsa Martinez
  • Co-President: Lisa Guerra
  • President: Jamie Albrecht

o   Vote taken by show of hands regarding how to vote in board members, anonymous vs.  verbal. All in attendance voted to verbal vote.

o   Motion made to approve board as listed made by Katie Jodoin and 2nd Mrs. Patty Cornelson. Board members approved as written by all in attendance.

  • Jamie Albrecht will meet with Rhonda Toner tomorrow to put together next year’s calendar.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Money was saved on waterslides because a PO was used.
  • Recess equipment budget was increased to $1000. Tom Taylor is working on purchasing recess equipment for next year that will be assigned to classrooms. This will come out of this year’s budget so that they will be ready by the start of the year.
  • PO will be made for planners for next year. They will be approx. $800 instead of $1800.
  • Cheryle Figgess and Jamie Albrecht will work on budget for next year.

Upcoming events:

  • Play day: PTO is not providing volunteers for this event.  Mr. Burnett states that Mr. Wood wants to know if there were particular people interested in play day at the beginning of the year and if we could give that information to the teachers. Lisa states that software is not set up that way and that the teachers would probably have a better response getting help but she can go back and look at the forms that were filled out earlier in the year.
  • Teachers v 5th graders kickball– Monday the 16th from 2:30 – 3:15
  • Yearbook signing – Monday the 16th in the afternoon.

New Business:

  • Jamie Albrecht needs help popping popcorn for field day on Monday the 16th at 4pm. This can be done at her house or the school.
  • Kindergarten graduation will have cake.
  • 5th grade graduation will have cake.
  • Katrina Schmitt wants to organize PTO closet before the end of the year.
  • Katrina Schmitt would like to know if it is possible to get contact info from parents regarding who wants to be contacted via email, text, phone, etc. at the beginning of the school from the teachers. Perhaps create a form and have it sent out.
  • Mrs. Cornelson states that the yearbooks are in and they look great. 220 have been paid for. 80 are listed as please order, will pay later. 17 orders came in requesting assistance to pay for them. Yearbooks will be distributed on Monday the 16th.
  • Jane’s award will be handed out on graduation day.

Conflict of Interest:

  • Conflict of interest forms were handed out to all PTO board members to sign. Our mission statement and goal is to promote the benefit of the children. We will not do anything for political or monetary gain. Jaime read the form. Form signed by all.

Summer meeting:

  • PTO will meet on July 25th at 3pm at Jamie Albrecht’s house to plan for the 2014-1015 school year.

Principal’s Comments:

  • Mr. Nicholes now has a continuing contract!!!!! He will continue as 2nd grade teacher.
  • Mr. Nolan will take Mrs. Rae’s spot in 4th grade as she is retiring at the end of the school year.
  • Summer school is going to happen for sure. There are 40 seats to fill for K-5th grade. There will be 3 Eagleridge teachers and 3 paras plus a cook for breakfast and lunch. There will be field trips each Friday. Program will run through July. This is first year the program will be here here but they did have the program at Central for the last two years. Transportation will be provided.
  • Jump start program with Julie Mauerman for Pre K kids is located here.
  • Stepping Stones will be moved from Custer to Eagleridge next year. It will probably be located in a portable building.  Program consists of 12 kids, 1 staff and 4 paras.
  • Beautification day rocked! We are hoping it will be an annual thing.  Mrs. Cornelson added that it’s not likely that Cornwall will come every year but they do feel that they left some things unfinished and would like to send a team back to complete some additional work.
  • Class sizes are really big and are looking like they will continue to be big next year. 68 kids are already registered for kindergarten. 12 kids coming out of Lummi Head Start that have not registered anywhere so that number will increase.  Looking into K/1 combo or 4th class if there are enough kids. Lobbying hard for additional teacher for 2nd /3rd combo class to bring down class size to about 23/24.
  • Thank you to everyone for all of their hard work this year.

Mrs. Cornelson says thank you for all your time and effort.

Jamie Albrecht says thank you to everyone for all their hard work this year.

Meeting adjorned by Jamie at 8:15pm.

Meeting notes prepared by Belsa Martinez

June 16, 2014